
Trump Punishment Pool

With so much media finger-wagging about, gosh, the charges against Trump are so very super-serious (they're not, but he's a criminal in myriad other ways), let's have a Trump Punishment Pool.

Winner gets nothing but the pride of knowing you were right, so scratch your crystal balls and make a prediction:

 What will come from
the prosecution of
former President
Donald J Trump?

• acquittal

• asylum in Russia

• an Epstein moment

• a fine Trump can easily afford

• charges dismissed

• house arrest at Mar-a-Lago, or another Trump-owned resort of his choice

• not guilty, on a technicality

• plea bargain to an apology

• a Presidential pardon

• probation

• probation PLUS a fine Trump can easily afford

• re-election of Trump, who'll promptly pardon himself

• suspended sentence, "in honor of your service to the nation, sir."



  1. Guilty on from 1-4 charges. Fine, suspended sentence, obviously no jail time.

  2. "an Epstien moment" would be wonderful but my prediction is a pardon. before a verdict if it looks like guilty.

  3. I predict the 4 horseymen of the apocalypse will ride flaming chariots to HIS LORDSHIP DONALD's rescue from this obvious political and antiJesus persecution.

    1. You had me wondering, until I noticed "4 horseymen." Good work, stranger.

  4. Hung jury. Just one red-hat MAGA nut means no conviction.

    1. Huh. That hadn't occurred to me. If there's a trial, they'll need a jury. 40% of Americans are insane for Trump, so impaneling a fair jury will take a statistical miracle.

    2. Trump just got convicted by a jury in the E. Jean Carroll trial. And don't listen to his bullshit. Trump has millions of fans in New York, including a slight majority in the outer boroughs.


    3. Valid, on second thought, but I remain pessimistic.

  5. Everything about this man Trump is an embarasment. Prison is out of the question, you're right, because he's rich and powerful. I'm going with a guilty verdict and a suspended sentence or a pardon.

  6. If I'm supposed to choose one of the above it's not guilty on a technicality, but it really doesn't matter. None of it matters. Trump is a circus clown and all the articles about the charges and will he go to prison are just wasted ink or whatevers wasted instead of ink on the web. He will never really be punished and that is truth.

  7. Guilty on three or four counts, hung on the rest. Sentenced to home confinement for a year and several years of probation.


  8. https://youtu.be/wDYNVH0U3cs

    1. Wow... I remember that screaming lady, and I remember what I thought of her, in 2017. I thought, "Jeez, lady, Trump's gonna be a shitty president, sure, but we've had shitty presidents before. Get some perspective."

      Years later, of course, I've gained some perspective, and that screaming lady was right to scream. All of us should've screamed.

  9. I predict probation PLUS a fine Trump can easily afford — thet's really throwing the book at him, by the kid-glove stanards of how America treats its lorded class.


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