
"Are you a dirty old man?"

by Paul Modic

Late in the afternoon I stopped at a rest area but there was no shade to walk under while eating so I stayed in the car listening to the Ben Franklin biography and munching on one of the chicken salad sandwiches I'd made that morning at the motel in Barstow. There was a ratty old van parked next to me and soon a woman came walking over, bra-less in a summer dress, and her slightly sagging tits and nipples called to me.

I continued munching, listening to Ben, and wondered how to approach the woman next door. She was fiddling with something in her van, then smoking some weed, and I saw that she was an older woman, though still younger than me, with a stressed out face, but those tits man, those tits!

Finally I finished my sandwich, got out of the car to put something into the ice chest, and she called through her open window, "Hey, that's interesting, I can hear the story, talking about electricity."

I bent over, leaned against the door, and we talked for a few minutes, she was waiting for rush hour to be over before driving on into Phoenix. We talked about the heat and lack of shade and she told me about walking into a wolf drinking from the toilet at another rest area and how she had run out of there when it turned around and looked at her! 

She motioned to a shady picnic table where there was a breeze and I said, "Let's go over there and talk?" We walked over to it, each sat on opposite sides, she started to fill her pipe again and offered it to me. "You smoke?" she said. "Of course you do."

"Well, only twice a week at night," I said, and thought about telling her why, that I used marijuana as an aphrodisiac.

She was coming from Santa Monica where she had just had a fight with her son, when her son's new girlfriend had told the son's daughter, "You're going to end up just like your mother!" and Kathy had objected to the generalization. "How do you know how anyone will end up?" she had said. She was kicked out but it ended on a friendly note.

Her long time boyfriend had died in the spring, after shoddy medical care, and she had bought some scrubby land in the middle of Northern Arizona. "It looks just like that," she said, pointing across the way to the dry brushy terrain. "It's better than paying rent, $400 a month, but there's nothing out there. I could stay in my van though there's no water. Look at it, it's one of those old ones."

"What were they called again?" I asked.

"It's a ‘93 Previa and some little part is always breaking down."

I put my hand on hers, she held it a few short moments, and I asked her about her ex, what were the best and worst parts of him and also what were her best characteristics and worst? He didn't like it that she smoked so much weed and sometimes stole it from her.

"Why would he take it if he didn't smoke," I asked.

"Sell it," she said. "He smoked other things.

It seemed like she wasn't sure why she had bought the land, well, at least paid the downpayment, and she said she wanted to sell it.

I told her I had just shipped my stash to Texas, she offered the weed again, I almost took the pipe that time, then continued asking her questions about her life, telling her it was a good thing I hadn't smoked because then it would have been me me me instead of being interested in her. She asked me what my story was, and I told her all about my agonizing about whether to get on the road or not.

"So you left a nice comfortable place?" she said, it looked like she was living in her van. She was funny, laughed a lot, and had purple hair.

"Yup," I said. "I had to get out of there, get on the road, maybe have an adventure." I thought about it for a few minutes and then said, "Could I touch your tits? Just for a second?"

That surprised her and she said no so I started to beg. "Please! That's why I was attracted to you when I saw you walking toward the car."

"Yeah, I didn't wear a bra," she said, "because it was giving me headaches." 

"Well, I tried," I said, and we went back to our conversation and then I tried again. Finally she lifted up her blouse and showed me her medium breasts with pink nipples and I reached over and ran my hand across them for a second or two and she sighed breathily.

"Thanks," I said, but soon wanted more. "Can we just grope each other, through our clothes for a minute? Even for a few seconds, even for one second!"

"Are you a dirty old man?" she asked.

"Yes!" I said. "Of course!"

"When was the last time you had a girlfriend?"

"Six years."

"Well, that would cost you something on the street."

"I'll pay, how about twenty bucks to sit on my lap? Can I squeeze your breast again?" I reached over and gave it a squeeze, sighed in delight, and I can still feel that soft mammary tissue in my hand.

"I have to get going," she said.

"Stop at the next rest area," I said. "Maybe there'll be more trees there."

She hit the road, I soon followed, then blew by her and stopped at the next rest area. I took out my turkey soup, walked around eating it cold under the shade of the picnic area, texted her but got no answer. She didn't answer and didn't stop, and when the soup was eaten I headed on toward Phoenix.

She texted me later when she made it to Phoenix but then stopped after I told her how great it was to feel her up, and most likely that will be the highlight of my trip. The last time I drove it five years before, a similar thing happened at a rest area on the second day when I stole a couple kisses from a woman I had been talking to, and that had also been the highlight of that trip.

(You might be thinking, "What a bad man trying to feel up that woman at the rest area," but really, that might be the last breast I'll ever touch! Would you really want to deprive a guy of his last feel?)


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  1. Oh, is this where we can post the unmentionables? Okay, I'm game, here's a favorite:
    Sometimes in the middle of winter I would get so bored, depressed, and lonely that I'd visit this crazy woman in her ratty rented room uptown. It was crowded with all her bags of fabrics, she got thrift store rejects by the garbage bag for some future art or theatre project and sometimes I drove the bags to her house at the edge of town by the cemetery.
    I pushed aside a few piles of clothes, sat on her bed, and she said, “Will you massage my ass?”
    When I was done I said, “Well, now what do I get?”
    “You just got to massage a hot girl's ass,” she said. -Eel

    1. An ex-lover called me and said she had met a nice coffeeshop girl in San Francisco. She said the barista was going back to Minnesota soon but maybe she could come up here and I could hire her or mentor her. She's young though, soooo...Laurel, I said, young women who don't want to fuck me are a dime a dozen up here. Why would I import another one from San Francisco?


    #don’t pee in the shower
    #don’t spit in the garbage
    #pretend to be nice to your cat
    #don’t drink out of the milk carton
    #ALWAYS flush the toilet

  3. I met this trauma nurse in Austin who told me how important posture was, as she rattled off the steps for successful clit-sucking.
    “Well, that all sounds pretty mechanical,” I said.
    “So is giving a BJ,” she said, “but you don't hear men complaining about that.”

    1. "I met this trauma nurse in Austin
      Who told me how important posture was"

      sounds like the opening lines of a Townes Van Zandt song.



  4. A Spanish visitor left her thong on the back porch draped over a fancy chocolate bar and a shot glass of honey. Toy plastic soldiers were guarding the display.
    When she was all packed up for the bus out of town I popped the thong around my neck. “You're not going to wear that to the Woodrose Cafe, are you?” she said.
    “Of course!” I said.
    As we were waiting for breakfast she said, “I suppose you're going to tell all your friends about this?”
    “Well, if you wear it during breakfast I won't tell anyone,” I said

  5. I called Ramone's and asked them if I could have anything written on my cake or were there limits. “What did you want to put?” she asked.
    “I want it to say Pray For Pussy in big letters,” I said.
    “Let me check,” she said.
    When I went in to pick it up the girl in front said, “You are sooooo cool!”
    “Well no, I'm actually very uncool,” I said.

  6. When I bought another tube of lube I figured I was giving up. Then the next time when I ordered five tubes I knew I was totally defeated. Maybe my new gig will be spokesman for the “Good Clean Love” company?

  7. I was playing online Scrabble with a married woman and realized I could spell “vagina.” I wasn't sure we wanted to stare at vagina all game long but since she had already spelled “yoni” I figured it was probably alright. Before spelling the word I wrote in the chat box by the game board, “If I spell vagina will you hold it against me?”

    Okay that's enough, all true stories, by the way...Eel

    1. This one is my favorite. Scrabble can be a dangerous game.

    2. If I'm playing against a woman, playing vagina sometimes gives me a touch of angina, but it's not worth as many points.


    3. About to rock grandma's world...


    4. When playing Scrabble with my in-laws, I have sometimes foregone words like, well, balls and farts again. In my head there's an unspoken but sternly enforced Scrabble rule against playing words you'd hesitate to say in conversation with the people in the room.

    5. But if you had the 'v' and only one 'n', would you play vagina in a Scrabble game against, say, a priest or a seven-year-old boy?

    6. You even took a picture! Did you find an open 's' on the board to play CLITORIS against your grandma?

      Or did you play COILS instead?

      With my grandma, she'd be unable to look at the board again with a CLITORIS on it, so I'd play COILS.

    7. It depends what the priest was doing to the seven year old boy.


    8. Well it wasn't Scrabble, that's for sure.

    9. I censored out clitoris in a story to the Ava and changed it to breast...Then the ava ran it but took out the breast...oh well, hey that's a fun story, maybe I'll share it next time...Hey this is news: a fuckin' real woman is coming to visit me on this mountain in Mexico mañana...After fucking up all the other liaisons will i actually be cool enough to be a good companion, and maybe more? Anyway, after two months alone at 9000 feet, it's about to get real, si?

    10. I'm rooting for you and the little eel, man, but from my minimal experience with the ladies I'm not sure offering twenty bucks for a titsqueeze is your best strategy.

    11. Well, I certainly won't tell this visitor about that! Ha! She's planning to stay two weeks

  8. I have nothing to contribute — usually I say nothing to an attractive woman, because, you know, she's attractive and I'm *this*, but your romantic life as an old guy is cracking me open.

  9. Happy to see the Scrabble riff got some traction...Eel

  10. Not much traction to be had here. Somewhere I described this as one of the world's least-read websites, and that wasn't a joke.

  11. One comment for me on this site is action/traction...

  12. one of your regulars commented on my short clit sucking vignette
    so i replied to him with this one
    today i looked and it wasn’t there, but maybe i messed up, couldn’t see it:
    sorry about the gorgeous cock line, but that’s what she said…so...

    Clit-sucking Lessons

    I chased a woman I met on Craigslist all the way to Texas, and when that didn't pan out, despite wearing her little red party bra on my head for most of the drive, I met another Craigslist floozy who gave me a lot of strokes. She said I had a gorgeous cock and that I smelled really nice. Not using deodorant must be earthy and authentic--maybe she was used to the city boys with their artificial body washes? She taught me how to properly suck clit--had I been just sort of lapping around down there?

    "Good posture is important," she said and suggested that I kneel on the floor alongside the bed in a relaxing and comfortable position. "With one hand pull back the hood by grasping the skin above it." The hood? What's a fuckin' hood? She said if I didn't pull back the clitoral hood I would be ineffective.

    "Now insert two fingers into me, bending the tips up beneath the clitoris," she said. I gazed at that cute little pink thing and she said, "Now suck hard and pump your fingers hard!"

    "All these steps seem kind of mechanical," I said.

    "Well, a blow job is kind of mechanical," she replied. "But you don't see men objecting to that." I saw her point.

    I sucked hard and pumped my two fingers into her. "Harder!" she said. "Really pump your fingers in there hard, and suck my clit hard!" I followed her directions. "Now put your pinky into my anus, that's called 'The Ricky,' and pump 'em all and suck hard!" It seemed like she came many times.

    No matter how many times she came it was important for her that I come too, and I rarely did, maybe I need to be in love or something. She was Egyptian, had a sphinx in her backyard, and I would go out back and piss on its face. All of them here in Texas, the North Austin suburban chick who worked for the defense corporation, the South Austin Egyptian who was an infectious control nurse, and the South Austin bus driver lady, all of them had sons in the military, fighting in Iraq--one was wounded six times.

    My therapist had said there was nothing to lose by putting in a personal add but I'm not so sure. That whole world is freaky and kinky and needy and weird. Okay, maybe I fit right in.

  13. one of your regulars commented on my short clit sucking vignette
    so i replied to him with this one
    today i looked and it wasn’t there, but maybe i messed up, couldn’t see it:
    sorry about the gorgeous cock line, but that’s what she said…so...

    Clit-sucking Lessons

    I chased a woman I met on Craigslist all the way to Texas, and when that didn't pan out, despite wearing her little red party bra on my head for most of the drive, I met another Craigslist floozy who gave me a lot of strokes. She said I had a gorgeous cock and that I smelled really nice. Not using deodorant must be earthy and authentic--maybe she was used to the city boys with their artificial body washes? She taught me how to properly suck clit--had I been just sort of lapping around down there?

    "Good posture is important," she said and suggested that I kneel on the floor alongside the bed in a relaxing and comfortable position. "With one hand pull back the hood by grasping the skin above it." The hood? What's a fuckin' hood? She said if I didn't pull back the clitoral hood I would be ineffective.

    "Now insert two fingers into me, bending the tips up beneath the clitoris," she said. I gazed at that cute little pink thing and she said, "Now suck hard and pump your fingers hard!"

    "All these steps seem kind of mechanical," I said.

    "Well, a blow job is kind of mechanical," she replied. "But you don't see men objecting to that." I saw her point.

    I sucked hard and pumped my two fingers into her. "Harder!" she said. "Really pump your fingers in there hard, and suck my clit hard!" I followed her directions. "Now put your pinky into my anus, that's called 'The Ricky,' and pump 'em all and suck hard!" It seemed like she came many times.

    No matter how many times she came it was important for her that I come too, and I rarely did, maybe I need to be in love or something. She was Egyptian, had a sphinx in her backyard, and I would go out back and piss on its face. All of them here in Texas, the North Austin suburban chick who worked for the defense corporation, the South Austin Egyptian who was an infectious control nurse, and the South Austin bus driver lady, all of them had sons in the military, fighting in Iraq--one was wounded six times.

    My therapist had said there was nothing to lose by putting in a personal add but I'm not so sure. That whole world is freaky and kinky and needy and weird. Okay, maybe I fit right in.


  14. one of your regulars commented on my short clit sucking vignette
    so i replied to him with this one
    today i looked and it wasn’t there, but maybe i messed up, couldn’t see it:
    sorry about the gorgeous cock line, but that’s what she said…so...


    1. Clit-sucking Lessons

      I chased a woman I met on Craigslist all the way to Texas, and when that didn't pan out, despite wearing her little red party bra on my head for most of the drive, I met another Craigslist floozy who gave me a lot of strokes. She said I had a gorgeous cock and that I smelled really nice. Not using deodorant must be earthy and authentic--maybe she was used to the city boys with their artificial body washes? She taught me how to properly suck clit--had I been just sort of lapping around down there?


    2. "Good posture is important," she said and suggested that I kneel on the floor alongside the bed in a relaxing and comfortable position. "With one hand pull back the hood by grasping the skin above it." The hood? What's a fuckin' hood? She said if I didn't pull back the clitoral hood I would be ineffective.

      "Now insert two fingers into me, bending the tips up beneath the clitoris," she said. I gazed at that cute little pink thing and she said, "Now suck hard and pump your fingers hard!"


    3. "All these steps seem kind of mechanical," I said.

      "Well, a blow job is kind of mechanical," she replied. "But you don't see men objecting to that." I saw her point.

      I sucked hard and pumped my two fingers into her. "Harder!" she said. "Really pump your fingers in there hard, and suck my clit hard!" I followed her directions. "Now put your pinky into my anus, that's called 'The Ricky,' and pump 'em all and suck hard!" It seemed like she came many times.


    4. "All these steps seem kind of mechanical," I said.

      "Well, a b l o w j o b is kind of mechanical," she replied. "But you don't see men objecting to that." I saw her point.

      I sucked hard and pumped my two fingers into her. "Harder!" she said. "Really pump your fingers in there hard, and suck my clit hard!" I followed her directions. "Now put your pinky into my anus, that's called 'The Ricky,' and pump 'em all and suck hard!" It seemed like she came many times.


    5. No matter how many times she came it was important for her that I come too, and I rarely did, maybe I need to be in love or something. She was Egyptian, had a sphinx in her backyard, and I would go out back and piss on its face. All of them here in Texas, the North Austin suburban chick who worked for the defense corporation, the South Austin Egyptian who was an infectious control nurse, and the South Austin bus driver lady, all of them had sons in the military, fighting in Iraq--one was wounded six times.

      My therapist had said there was nothing to lose by putting in a personal add but I'm not so sure. That whole world is freaky and kinky and needy and weird. Okay, maybe I fit right in.


    6. Paul's short story reply, above, got broken into bits by me, and a certain word got extra spaces in it, to get around Google's repeated deletion of the comment.

      Ten or 12th time I've dealt with this hassle, and I do wish Mr Google would fix it.

  15. Clit-sucking Lessons

    I chased a woman I met on Craigslist all the way to Texas, and when that didn't pan out, despite wearing her little red party bra on my head for most of the drive, I met another Craigslist floozy who gave me a lot of strokes. She said I had a gorgeous cock and that I smelled really nice. Not using deodorant must be earthy and authentic--maybe she was used to the city boys with their artificial body washes? She taught me how to properly suck clit--had I been just sort of lapping around down there?

    "Good posture is important," she said and suggested that I kneel on the floor alongside the bed in a relaxing and comfortable position. "With one hand pull back the hood by grasping the skin above it." The hood? What's a fuckin' hood? She said if I didn't pull back the clitoral hood I would be ineffective.

    "Now insert two fingers into me, bending the tips up beneath the clitoris," she said. I gazed at that cute little pink thing and she said, "Now suck hard and pump your fingers hard!"

    "All these steps seem kind of mechanical," I said.

    "Well, a blow job is kind of mechanical," she replied. "But you don't see men objecting to that." I saw her point.

    I sucked hard and pumped my two fingers into her. "Harder!" she said. "Really pump your fingers in there hard, and suck my clit hard!" I followed her directions. "Now put your pinky into my anus, that's called 'The Ricky,' and pump 'em all and suck hard!" It seemed like she came many times.



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