
Am I a butt-head?

Here's a low-level moral quandary, in which maybe I'm a butt-head. You tell me.

I live in a boarding house, where one of my flatmates, Dean, is a non-stop talker who rarely says anything interesting. I'm extremely introverted, rarely want to talk, and never want to talk with Dean. I avoid him, and dislike him.

Yesterday I emerged from the hovel of my room to grab a breakfast bowl of Bloated Oatsies, and of course, Dean came into the kitchen almost immediately. It's one of many un-endearing things about him — when he hears the kitchen floor creak, he comes out of his room like Pavlov's Fido, to talk at whoever's creaked the floor.

And so, while I chose a box of cereal and poured it into a bowl, Dean talked and talked about the city's baseball team. While I poured milk over the flakes, he talked about the football team.

I nodded, and walked toward my room with the bowl of cereal. That's when Dean decided to say something more serious.

"I was a little drunk yesterday," he said, "and I seem to have lost my keys. I've looked everywhere but they're really lost." 

I'm accustomed to walking away while Dean talks, and rather enjoy it, but being an arguably decent human being I couldn't walk away while he was talking about a genuine problem. Instead I stood and listened, well aware that with every syllable he spoke, my cereal got soggier.

Ah, here it comes: "Do you have a spare key that I can borrow for a few days? The landlord lives so far away, I know he won't be able to get here until the weekend…"

I do have spare keys — to the house, to the laundry room, and to my own bedroom. I could let Dean borrow my spare house key, which would allow him to come and go until the landlord could dupe him some keys.

But there are two problems with loaning Dean my spare key to the house. First, it would leave me without a spare key, and second, it would involve doing Dean a favor.

Living in this house for a year and a half, I've had about 1,000 interactions with Dean, two of which did not annoy me — but those were the first two, so he's 0 for the last 998.

I am not doing that man any favors. "I don't have spare keys," I lied to him. "Sorry," I lied again.

Then I stepped into my room and closed the door, sat down and ate my soggy cereal, and wondered very briefly whether I'm a butt-head. You tell me.



  1. You're a butthead. It would've cost you nothing to be nice and let Dean borrow your spare key. You said no to be a butthead.

    That's OK though. I've been reading about Dean a long time and he's a butthead to but he'd never even think about it. You at least think about it.

    Justified butthead.

    1. I could've been kind, though. Would've cost me nothing. I dunno.

      I ask myself what my wife would've done.

  2. Sorry, I seem to be involved with a squabble with the World Wide Web and am trying to cross-correlate a dozen unrelated Web addresses. Somebody is a butthead and I don't want to rule out the possibility that it's me. But I'm not capitulating until I complete the 12-way cross-correlation. I'm confused but not defeated. Key? is somebody stashing a key?


    1. I know nothing about cross-web correlation, but I declare you not a butt-head, if that helps.

  3. While I was surfing I ran across this lovely song featuring John Prine and Iris DeMent. I'm sure I posted it here before, but my memory fails me, as it will. In this case, hearing/seeing it twice is a good thing. In Spite of Ourselves.



  4. And this is John Prine singing the beautiful/terrible "Sam Stone" a few years before he died of Covid. The same stuff that lessens our pain creates it. Isn't that just the way.



    1. It seems to be "In Spite of Ourselves," which is always welcome 'round here.

    2. "Sam Stone" is awesome, goes on the list, thanks.

  5. You asked so I'll answer. You're a butt-head. You could've risen above but instead you stooped below. It's a good story but you don't come off all that well.

    Still love you and the site, of course.

    1. Verily, I have been scolded.

      Any time I come off well, I've probably lied.

  6. Hi Doug, this is Dean. Can I borrow your spare key? I left some meatloaf uncovered on the back porch, if you'd like a slice. Also, have you seen my tube of body grease?

    1. This actually startled me for half a moment.

      I would greatly prefer that Dean not read this zine.

  7. No, you're not a butt head. People like Dean would probably lose your spare key...you are wise not to touch the tar baby.

    1. It's a well-hung jury, apparently. Two say I'm a butt-head, two say I'm not, and Dean says there's meatloaf on the porch.

      If I cast the tie-breaking vote, I'd say I'm a butt-head, but I can live with that.

  8. You are a butt-head. Also an asshole. So what? You have fun with it, and we have fun with it. Butt-head all you want.

  9. I want more butt-head, always more than the day before.


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