
Ron Cobb (1937-2020)

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R Cobb was my favorite cartoonist from the radical era, the 1960s and '70s. I'm not quite old enough to have appreciated his work when it was freshly inked, but I stumbled across a collection of his comics in the '80s, and it helped percolate me into whatever it is I've become.

To me, R Cobb is the epitome of counterculture artists from his time, and his best work still reflects and soothes some of the fear we feel in this kooky era.

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I've noticed the name Ron Cobb in the scrolling fine print after some great movies — he designed spaceships for Alien and Dark Star, created some of the life forms in the cantina scene for Star Wars, designed the interior of the DeLorean for Back to the Future, etc.

Today I discovered that R Cobb, the underground comic artist, and Ron Cobb, the sci-fi designer, are the same guy. Sadly, I discovered this in his obituary.

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Here's his website, where there are lots more of his comics and artwork. I had a good time poking around the site; perhaps you will, too.

And here's an interesting remembrance from a friend.

The one and only Ronald Ray Cobb passed away a month ago, on his 83rd birthday, and this world became a duller place.


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