The batteries in my alarm clock died, and I haven't replaced them. Maybe I never will. There's no "get up" time any more, nor any bedtime. I'm loving the liberation of retirement.
CRANKY OLD FART #439 [archive] JULY 18, 2024 |
During a long stretch of unemployment over the past few years, I burrowed into my recliner and watched hundreds of movies, which led to some unintended consequences — I got fatter, and my legs came frightfully close to forgetting how to walk.
So, hoping for a long and healthy retirement, I've made the conscious choice to get out of my recliner and do things outside the house 3-4 days a week — walks in the park, visits to museums, etc.
Still carrying a notebook everywhere, scribbling into it when kooky things happen, words to be sewn into blog entries. Being out and about, though, leaves less time to write. And that's OK. I sure as heck ain't complaining, only announcing:
I'll no longer try banging out a new page every day. Hope my several readers will stick around for more reruns, and I'll aim to write something fresh every second day, until I die.
Many alleged 'experts' are saying that because someone took a shot at Donald Trump, his support will swell. Basically, he won the election when that bullet zinged through his ear.
That's so dang dumb, it (again) makes me wonder if I'm the same species as everyone else. Can you explain the thinking here? People decide who to vote for on the basis of which candidate has been shot?
Until fairly recently, it was unusual for the obvious lunatics to be elected to Congress. Now, it's ordinary.
Here's some Republican Congressman I'd never heard of, saying the Secret Service might have intentionally let Sunday's wingnut-with-a-gun take a shot at Trump.
It's a relief to know that TV charlatan Kenneth Copeland (net worth: $300-million) led his family in TV prayer for ex-President Trump's ear.
This is what I call Polite Democrat Syndrome, and it's taken down Tenacious D.
Excerpt: The incident occurred during the comedy duo's recent performance in Sydney, Australia, during which [rocker Kyle] Gass made a birthday wish onstage: "Don't miss Trump next time." While video showed attendees responding with laughter, the comment garnered the attention of right-wing politicians in Australia, who proceeded to call for Tenacious D's deportation.
Taking the high road is swell, but also fuck off, Karen.
Gass is a comedic rock'n'roller whose job includes improvising jokes for laughs. Maybe this joke wasn't funny, but it's a damned joke. Same joke, by the way, that I’ve heard from a few friends and seen on half a dozen blogs.
The MAGA crowd, including elected members of Congress, the Senate, Donald Trump, and J D Vance, constantly talk about arresting, imprisoning, shooting anyone who says or does anything they don't like — and they're not joking.
Meanwhile: The feds say to beware of possible retaliation for the attack on Trump. So who's the QAnon crowd going to retaliate against?
The wingnut-shooter was a Republican.
The US government gave freed slaves 40 acres and a mule, and then took it all back?
Why am I learning this in my 60s instead of in US History class when I was 12? Srsly, I liked history class, and if this had ever been mentioned I would remember it.
"What happens when you give people with bizarre conspiracy theories a gun and a badge? Secret recordings from inside the troubled Millersville Police Department provide a sobering answer."
There's no video of the 34 hours of screaming, abusive interrogation these kids went through, because Customs and Border Protection cops assumed the kids weren't American, and if they're not American they're not human so anything goes. There are no rules.
This time, a judge saw the Constitution through the fog, and issued a verdict that made me smile. But the cops who effectively tortured these kids are still doing what they do, daily.
There's a lack of unanimity on whether Hamas is a terrorist group?
Obviously, Hamas is a terrorist group. They routinely blow stuff up and kill people. They’re terrorists just like Israel, only they do it without US backing, and of course, Hamas isn't nearly as good at it as Israel is.
Not to polish my own lamp or anything, but it looks more and more like I'll be right, in my circa 2018 prediction that Trump will never face any genuine consequences for any of his crimes. As I said then, as I'll say until I'm (hopefully) proven wrong, the only penalty he'll ever face is financial, which, since he's made of money, is hardly any penalty at all.
• The extraordinary life of Simona Kossak
• Yes, Donald Trump even lies about bacon.
• "We are the ones *making AI and *selling AI and we don't actually use AI because we know it sucks."
Peter Buxtun
Tuskegee study whistleblower
🖕 Kenneth Derr
former CEO, Chevron
Bernice Johnson Reagon
singer, The Freedom Singers
Ayres Sasaki
Red Cloud Wolverton
stunt man, Dead Man
Evan Wright
"Scared straight" survivor
John Paul Yarborough
forgotten person
Cranky Old Fart is annoyed and complains and very occasionally offers a kindness, along with anything off the internet that's made me smile or snarl. All opinions fresh from my ass. Top illustration by Jeff Meyer. Click any image to enlarge. Comments & conversations invited.
Tip 'o the hat to the AVA, Bleepity-Bleep, Breakfast at Ralf's, Chuff, Dirty Blonde Mind, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, Jesus Is My Hostage,, Looking for My Perfect Sandwich, A Sudden Violent Jerk, Mr Souza's Happy Place, Voenix Rising, and anywhere else I've stolen links, illustrations, or inspiration.
Special thanks to Linden Arden, Becky Jo, Wynn Bruce, Joey Jo Jo emeritus, Jeff Meyer, John the Basket, Dave S, Name Withheld, and always extra special thanks to my lovely late Stephanie, who gave me 21 years and proved that the world isn't always shitty.
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