Good, bad, and way overpriced eats

This is junk food writing, sorry, but I'm working on something more substantial, I promise.

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I'm always interested in food that's cheap, good, and easy, so today — one find, one fraud, and then another fraud.

The find is Kroger's Bacon Egg and Cheese Croissant, sold only at stores owned by Kroger (Fred Meyer and QFC in Washington, FoodsCo and Ralph's in California, just plain Kroger in Missouri, Pick 'n Save in Wisconsin, and other fake names in other places — there's one wherever you are).

As promised, it's an egg, some bacon, and a slice of cheese, on a croissant. It's not a full-size croissant, but not a sub-compact either — it's a mid-size croissant. They're not generous but also not stingy on the titular bacon, egg, and cheese, and it's all quite yummy with a delicious buttery aftertaste. Two of these croissants would be a full breakfast for almost anyone, so I usually have four.

It's also available as egg, sausage, and cheese, which is quite good, but science has established that bacon is superior to sausage, so the bacon croissant beats the sausage croissant.

Skip the stupidly over-complicated microwave instructions, and simply unwrap two of these frozen croissants, put 'em on a paper plate, and zap on high for two minutes and 40 seconds. Perfection. 

Even more impressive than the flavor is the price — it's $10.89 for a box of eight, and that's not a special sale price, it's the ordinary price.

That's $1.36 per croissant, and they border on being substantial. At a fast-food place, you'd expect to pay $2.99 per croissant but they'd actually be $4.49, maybe more, so Doug says, buy these at Kroger and get fat like me.

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But do not buy nor attempt to eat Simple Truth™ Omelet Bites. This product is so inedible and overpriced, it's hard to believe it actually exists, but it does.

The box promises an omelet in bite-size bits. It's actually an over-processed, under-flavored, and over-packaged mess. 

Each 'bite' is tiny — it takes two 'bites' to equal (by weight, certainly not flavor) a forkful of an actual omelet. There are only eight mini-bite 'bites' in the entire package, so you're paying $3.69 for about four bites of an alleged omelet. 

The taste? Well, imagine the blandest omelet you've ever eaten. Two flavors sorta seep through — onions, overpowering everything, and a hint of eggs but the eggs taste phony and wrong.

I am not finicky and will devour almost anything, but I bought two boxes of these, in two different flavors which tasted identical, and most of the 'bites' from both boxes went out the window as pigeon chow.

And the packaging for these is a festival of waste. Inside each box are two smaller boxes, made of thick, bleached cardboard that's so heavy, it's about 1/3 of the entire product's weight. Each inner-box is wrapped in plastic. Inside each inner-box are four of these flavorless mini-bites — "one serving," the box hilariously says. Each 'bite' is nestled inside a thick, waxed cupcake wrap, and after microwaving, good luck getting the 'bites' out of the cupcake wrappers.

So you're left with a big box, two little boxes, two plastic wraps, and eight waxed cupcake wraps that tend to blow away if you exhale. And you'll still be hungry for breakfast.

I can't remember feeling more ripped off by a grocery store purchase, ever, and can't imagine who'd be a satisfied customer for this glop.

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One more grouse about cheapskatery:

A while back, I looked into getting burritos delivered from my favorite Mexican place here in Seattle. I've never used a delivery service for restaurant food, and I expected to be charged a delivery fee, and of course, I'd add a generous tip.

What nuked my mind was that the delivery outfit — Postmates or Uber Eats or whatever, I don't remember — had invented their own fake menu for the restaurant.

The burrito I buy for $8.49 at the restaurant was suddenly priced at $11-something, and that's not including the delivery fee and tip. I am willing to pay high prices sometimes, but adding three bucks to the price of a burrito is theft. 

Is there anyone reading this who might recommend a restaurant delivery services that isn't built on theft?



  1. I tried to use your link to get to my old favorite site The West Virginia Surf Report. I keep running into a podcast by that name (it was a blog for 20 years) and every time I try to navigate the site askes me for a credit card from which will be deducted $4 a month for a "special podcast". I'm happy reading your blog, but you might be sending your readers to a (for me) pricy podcast. I don't like podcasts. Especially when they're called blogs. Jeff is a nice guy and I'm sure this is just some kind of glitch, but I don't give my credit card to anybody on the Web. Someday there might be unscrupulous people out here.

    You're more interesting anyway.


    1. I like podcasts if they're more content than ads. For a while I even paid for a podcast (not Jeff's) but then they said something stupid and I stopped both paying and listening.

      Didn't get the glitch that glitched you, but I've changed the link so it leads to WVSR's archive page.

    2. Captain HampocketsJuly 10, 2023 at 8:33 AM

      Doug, I pay for two podcasts' extra content - Talking Simpsons, because as you know, I am a Simpsons nerd, and Gayest Episode Ever, who analyze non-gay TV shows that have gay-themed episodes. I limit my budget to ten bucks a month total. I'm considering pausing one of those, and supporting Swindled, which is a good true-crime show.

      I used to pay for The Great Detectives Of Old Time Radio, but the host is, I think, a right-wing or Libertarian looney, so I stopped.

    3. Hate it when someone sounds sane and then outs themselves as an idiot. Happens a lot these idiot days.

      Gayest Ep Ever must have some free episodes, because I've listened and you know I don't pay. Their spin on The Mary Tyler Moore Show was terrific, especially as it came while I was rewatching every episode.

    4. Captain HampocketsJuly 10, 2023 at 11:09 AM

      Yes, they do a free episode, full-length, so like 1-2 hours, every week. I don't listen to every episode, as sometimes I just don't care about the show they talk about - Barney Miller or something? Pass.

    5. It's probably a little late for this hot tip, but I kinda liked BARNEY MILLER.


    7. My dad absolutely loved that show. It was the only thing on TV that he never missed, rearranging his schedule so he's always be home the night it was on, even the reruns.

      Changing the channel was a criminal offense, so I watched a lot of BARNEY MILLER, and Pop was on to something. It's actually funny, even the non-hashish episodes. And I completely remember the eps that would've been gayest episodes ever.

  2. Captain HampocketsJuly 10, 2023 at 4:31 AM

    JTB, I listen to the free version of Jeff's podcast, and he addressed this. He's in the process of merging the old podcast website into So yeah, it's a transition phase at the moment

  3. Captain HampocketsJuly 10, 2023 at 4:38 AM

    I shop at several local Mennonite / Amish run discount stores, with deep, deep discounts on overstock and expired / almost expired stuff. They ALWAYS have those omelet bite things, or similar, on sale at two two-packs for a buck. So a quarter per omelet bite. I have tried them, and they can be... OK. But only at that price. The regular grocery store here is actually MORE expensive than yours, I wanna say it's $3.99 for a four-omelet-bite package.

    1. The old site was a blog. The new one is a podcast. And the ads for the $4 (or more) podcast are everywhere. I commented on that blog for 15 years under my real name (johnthebasket). Everything Jeff is now producing is either a commercial for the fancypants podcast OR a paid ad for a restaurant he ate at. The Jeff of 15 years ago would have hated the money everywhere nature of his current site. He's getting close to retirement and wants to upgrade to a sunny environment. I just ate a chickenburger for dinner for the 11th straight night. I don't have an extra $48 a year for a podcast when there are free podcasts much better than Jeff's. Jeff is a terrific writer and not a great podcaster. It isn't his fault. We can't all be good at everything. I think Ms. Jeff is tightening the screws on the cashflow, but it's just a guess.

      If I had four bucks I'd damn well send it to Doug. Maybe he'd like a cold warmed-up chickenburger.

      Again, thanks for the info. If you hear anything on the free podcast about a free blog I hope you'll let me know.



    2. Holy shit, you're up already? It must be bedtime on the left coast.


    3. There's a long list of fundraising tactics I hate, any one of which will remove a website or blog from my surf cycle. Wrote a couple of paragraphs about exactly that yesterday, which I might print if I don't think better of it, and god knows, after writing about omelet bites yesterday, clearly nothing is too boring and self-indulgent for me and this site.

      WVSR, though? Been visiting for years and years, and Jeff's nudging for $4 a month doesn't bug me or chase me away. Also doesn't get $4 out of me, but I hope some coin lands in his cup.

      Different strokes and ulcers and gout for different grumpy old men, I guess.

    4. Gotta be a different brand, Captain, if the bite-size omelets earned an "OK" from you.

    5. Captain HampocketsJuly 10, 2023 at 8:21 AM

      JTB, Jeff does intend to update daily as (maybe?) a blog post on, as opposed to thewvsrpod site.

      We all know, though, that he doesn't keep that shit up.

    6. Yes, Doug, different brand. I can't remember the name, but it references eggs or ovum or something in the name. Weird. Not awful, but I'd never pay much for them. 4 for a buck is borderline acceptable

    7. Now that I think harder, it's just some stupid name, like Egg Scramblers.

    8. This is a reply to the Cap below. There was no reply space. Paying hasn't gotten anyone two podcasts a week for months. Jeff is getting burnt out on his own podcast. Take a look at the archive trend.

      And if this is a transition back to writing once a day or once a month or once a quarter, that would be great since that's what Jeff does well. So far there's virtually no writing, but I trust the Cap and will continue to look for some kind of writing in any language every day. Thanks for your information and your optimism.


    9. Hey, seriously John, do me a favor — when I get burned out a bit, which definitely happens, I would *appreciate* it if you took to the comment section and nudged and nagged at me like this. ① It's hilarious, and ② it would probably get me typing again.

  4. JTB, you know the podcast is free, right? Paying gets you TWO episodes a week instead of one.

    Also, as cynical as I am, I honestly don't think he talks about his restaurant visits for pay.

    1. I do agree, though, that he is not a great podcaster. My god, the way he fucking will say a statement, like a full 20-second thing, and then REPEAT IT ALMOST WORD-FOR-WORD is rather annoying.

    2. Cap, you're more sanguine about the WVSR than I am. I made an investment of time and writing for 15 years, and, at its peak, the blog was really well written and was garnering 100 comments a day, five days a week. The banter between and among the commenters (Jeff called them the Reporters) was hilarious and occasionally, emotional. It was not unlike a mildly civilized corner bar.

      Jeff just up and quit writing and started podcasting because you can charge for podcasting (in this case two extra podcasts a month). But if the podcasts are boring/uninteresting all you've done is scatter 100 pretty talented commenters to the wind, which is what happened. Every once in a while one of them checks back, but they're mostly just gone. And a fairly talented comic writer has stopped writing. He has a pretty good job, but an extra four bucks a month was enough to cause him to stoop writing. I think the transition started when Letterman retired. He'd always wanted to write for Dave. Live goes on.


    3. Sounds like I missed the golden era of the SURF REPORT. Dang.

    4. Doug, iffen you don't mind stale comments, there is (or was as of last week) an archive going back to 2008. It takes a fair amount of reading to get the flow, but it's there. I'm there too. Besides using my given name, johnthebasket, you can see me get dumped a couple of times for being a radical progressive. Hell, on this site I barely sound like a Democrat, but Jeff had a fair number of politically conservative people who didn't like what I said about a couple of Presidents, the American economic system, global climate change, and trump and the trumpettes. Jeff would put me in the penalty box for a while, then let me back on the ice. I think he leaned slightly right, but it was hard to tell. I got more penalty time than anyone else, but I'd like to think that was because I insulted people in funnier ways than the conservatives. They are notoriously sober.


    5. Captain HampocketsJuly 11, 2023 at 5:59 AM

      JTB, I absolutely agree about the WVSR. I have gone back and re-read the entire run at least once. Probably twice. The Nancy and Nostrils stories are absolutely wonderful, and Jeff does have a way with written words, IMO close to Doug's level. I've read Crossroads Road a couple of times.

      I enjoy the podcast, but miss the blog.

    6. In the penalty box, meaning, he'd give you a time out or something? That seems kooky.

      Jeff has a soft Southern accent on the podcasts, so it wouldn't surprise me if he's a starboard sailor, but he doesn't seem to wax political much.

      I don't even remember why I like him and his blog, I just always have. Probably not going to go back in time, though. I can barely keep up in 2023.

    7. Update: Captain, you might have been right. For the first time in a year or two, Jeff has actually written a small blog the last couple of days. It hasn't been as inspired as his old writing, but it looks like he's making an effort as you predicted he would. We'll see where it goes from here. Until a couple of days ago, the blogs were several months apart. I don't know how you Carnacked this, but good job. Unfortunately, when he's tried this before, it turned out that all the commenters had long ago given up. As for me, this here blog is home.


    8. If this blog is home, how come you never do the dishes?

    9. I thought we'd given up on the global garbage situation and substituted paper and plastic for the crockery and cutlery. I was wondering what the hell happened to the sink. I'll initiate an immediate search.

      dishwasher John

    10. You made me laugh when I was not in a headspace predisposed for laughing, and that sir is an accomplishment.

  5. Captain HampocketsJuly 11, 2023 at 6:02 AM


    >I think he leaned slightly right, but it was hard to tell.

    It seems like Jeff strenuously avoids politics, like, to an insane amount, in his writing and podcast. This, of course, make me think he's ashamed to admit he's a Republican. I'd like to think he's neither cruel nor stupid enough to vote Trump.


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