
To the tune of the 1812 Overture

No amusing anecdotes today. No brilliant observations. Between packing, worrying, making new-city plans, Goodwill giving, hauling lots of stuff to the free shelf, and tons to the dumpster... there's not much creativity in my brain, and no time or energy for writing and thinking and movie-watching.

There's still time to sit on my duff and surf the 'net, though...

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#107  2/26/2022

Curtis Reeves, retired police captain who fatally shot man in movie theater, acquitted 

Previously, on Life in America: 

A retired cop starts an argument with a stranger who's texting during the previews before a movie. Stranger throws popcorn at him, so of course, the ex-cop pulls a gun and kills the popcorn-tosser. It takes eight years to come to trial, and the retired killer-cop is acquitted. He was defending himself, from popcorn.

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A jury has convicted three former Minneapolis police officers of violating George Floyd’s civil rights. 

The proliferation of cell phone cameras is the only thing that's changed, between when I was a kid and cops were near-universally seen as heroes, and now, when more and more people recognize that all cops are bastards. Smile pretty for the cameras, officer. 

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• War is not a movie nor a newscast 

Unsurprisingly, Putin is full of shit 

• Fears mount for safety of Ukraine’s nuclear reactors amid Russian invasion 

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Alfred Sole made his first movie in 1972, and he could only get financial backing if he made it a porno, so he made it a porno. The movie was a big hit, and then the FBI came 'round. 

I've lived a life and seen some things, but never before seen a woman douse her vagina with baby powder to the tune of the 1812 Overture.

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The dubious legal effort to disqualify Madison Cawthorn from Congress 

The article makes sense, sadly. The effort to prevent Cawthorn from running for re-election won't be successful, and the idiot is probably a shoo-in to be re-elected.

America needs a better-informed electorate that wouldn't vote for such obvious idiots, but nothing's solved and arguably things get even worse if idiot candidates who'd win are barred from running. 

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Parents of Michigan high school killer to stand trial 

What do we think about this? I'm arguing with myself — the parents knew their son was a clear and present danger, but they did nothing. Then again, doing nothing is not generally a crime. I do nothing all the time.

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Butt-centric erotica master Chuck Tingle buys GovernorAbbott.com to troll buttheaded Texan hatemonger 

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"Gig behemoths are on notice"
Australia's New South Wales requires Amazon to pay a living wage for gig workers 

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Judge orders new trial for US woman sentenced to six years for trying to register to vote 

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Surprise — Coinbase CEO lies 

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Biden has chosen Ketanji Brown Jackson for a reason 

Jackson will be attacked by the worst white people this country has to offer. J.D. Vance will feel threatened and worry that “hillbillies” with Yale Law degrees and venture-capital backing are being left behind. The Georgetown Constitutional Law Center will hold a symposium extolling the virtue of judicial eugenics. Tucker Carlson will warn that Black people mean to make slavery unconstitutional, then claim to have been joking when someone informs him that it’s unconstitutional already.

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A previously unpublished Leonard Cohen novel will come out this fall. 

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Delightful re-do of The Prisoner opening credits 

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Lavish Roman mosaic found in London 

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A brief history of the internet 

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One-word newscast, because it's the same news every time...

Looking for dead people? I've moved them down an inch or two. 

 Mystery links  — Like life itself, there’s no knowing where you’re going:


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♫♬  Sing along with Doug

Cranky Old Man is annoyed and complains and very occasionally offers a kindness, along with anything off the internet that's made me smile or snarl. All opinions fresh from my ass. Top illustration by Jeff Meyer. Click any image to enlarge. Comments & conversations invited.
Tip 'o the hat to All Hat No Cattle, Linden Arden, ye olde AVA, BoingBoing, Breakfast at Ralf's, Captain Hampockets, CaptCreate's Log, John the Basket, LiarTownUSA, National Zero, Ran Prieur, Voenix Rising, and anyone else whose work I've stolen without saying thanks.
Extra special thanks to Becky Jo, Name Withheld, Dave S., and always Stephanie...


  1. Jesus Christ, CNN can't get anything right. Sally Kellerman played Hot Lips HOULIHAN, not "O'Houlihan."


    1. Jeez, and it's been online with that blisteringly obvious mistake for a day and a half. Probably the obit was written by a 20-year-old intern who's never seen a movie that wasn't fast and furious.

  2. Much to my great embarrassment, I have *never* heard that Dire Straits tune! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Woohoo I made you tap your toes... :)


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