
Uncle Kyle's house

In a moment of casual conversation with my mom and sister, they mentioned in passing that my late non-uncle Kyle will be losing his house.



& links

Dec. 15, 2022

He spent his last ten years in a nursing home, along with his wife, and during that time the house they'd owned for fifty years has been occupied by their daughter, who was caring for their disabled son, who'd never lived anywhere else and probably couldn't. Uncle Kyle's son died a month after Uncle Kyle, so now the daughter is packing to vacate the premises.

She has no choice. She's not selling the house. The state owns it. 

Mom and Katrina thought this was barely worth mentioning, and I had to lasso the conversation with a long rope to bring back what they'd said, and request further explanation.

Kyle's daughter, now in her 70s, has to move out in a hurry because the State of Washington paid for ten years of Uncle Kyle's nursing home care, along with his wife's, and for this the dead must pay.

Of course the state seized Uncle Kyle's house. What else would you expect? This is America, and this is what happens: A man works all his life, buys a house, raises a family, pays his taxes, and then stupidly gets ill health for his last years, so the state steals his house. 

News you need,
whether you know it or not

Armed militia protesting San Antonio drag show on Tuesday has history of provocation 

It's futile to try making sense of whatever right-wing idiots are upset about on any given day, but — why drag, and why now?

Some Like it Hot was a big hit in 1959, Paris is Burning was 1990, and RuPaul's Drag Race has been on national TV since 2009. Why are the fascists up in arms (literally) about drag now?

EU becomes first leading economy to legislate for 'green tariff' on imports 

New Zealand passes legislation (slowly) banning cigarettes 

Trump Organization was held in contempt after secret trial last year 

Oh, you didn't know that America has secret trials?

Over 70% of people live in countries that 'severely discriminate' against nonreligious

1984, Orwell’s novel of repression tops Russian bestseller lists 

Why golf might not survive the 21st century 

And it never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, because climate change isn't 'coming', it's underway. It'll kill billions, and we're not doing squat about it.

Co-workers of cop who killed 3 in California took items from his home before official search 

And it never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, because all cops are bastards, or they know who the bastard cops are and do nothing about it, which is the same thing.

Onslaught of new abortion restrictions looms in reddest of states 

And it never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, never stops, because Republicans are the enemy of common sense, common decency, simple truth, and democracy.

Clicks ahoy

• Third annual rerun: 🎄 The best Christmas ever 🎅

The purloined papers, by Paul Modic

Patients familiar with NYC mental health system are skeptical of Mayor's new policy 

Clever birds 

Approach, flatter, seduce, trap: That time a woman tried to lure me into a cult 

And, honestly, he was the best roommate I ever had. He kept to himself, was quiet and always put the toilet seat down. 

Tracing the tracks of Parisian chimneys 

Making pots from Nazi helmets 

Merle Oberon was an Indian actress playing the biggest role of her life 

Squirrel fishing 

• Mystery links... like life itself, there's no knowing where you're going, so click and click and click a third time.

♫♬  Mix tape of my mind  ♫

Coconut — Harry Nilsson 

Gangnam Style — Psy 

Love Can Make You Happy — Mercy 

San Franciscan Night — Eric Burdon 

Wish You Were Here — Pink Floyd 

The End

Mike Leach 

Rodney Peppé 

Jim Stewart 


Cranky Old Fart is annoyed and complains and very occasionally offers a kindness, along with anything off the internet that's made me smile or snarl. All opinions fresh from my ass. Top illustration by Jeff Meyer. Click any image to enlarge. Comments & conversations invited.
Tip 'o the hat to Linden Arden, ye olde AVA, BoingBoing, Breakfast at Ralf's, Captain Hampockets, CaptCreate's Log, John the Basket, LiarTownUSA, Meme City, National Zero, Ran Prieur, Voenix Rising, and anyone else whose work I've stolen without saying thanks.
Extra special thanks to Becky Jo, Name Withheld, Dave S, Wynn Bruce, and always Stephanie...


  1. I like Zevon.


    1. Most Zevon is quality Zevon, and this is quality Zevon. My shit's fucked up, too.


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