

Sarah-Katherine, who's not my girlfriend but lets me touch her, will be in San Francisco next weekend, and I don't wish to repeat my rather dismal horizontal performance of her visit last July.

I couldn’t get it up, probably because of nervousness, but stroking myself raw for a week before she arrived probably didn't help, either. So now I'm taking 1500% of the daily adult requirements for Vitamin E, and I haven't masturbated since Thursday. This time, I'm saving all my spunk for her.

Or, almost all. This morning I woke up wet, and I hope that's a good omen, not bad news.

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On Telegraph today, several of the anarchist vendors in the free speech ghetto were shouting about politics all day. It's Berkeley so that's nothing new, and the volume goes up when all of us radicals are confined to one half of one block.

They had a petition they wanted people to sign, to legalize medical marijuana. By California law, if enough registered voters sign a petition demanding it, almost anything can be put on the ballot as an initiative. Initiatives are a good idea, and this one's better than most. If they collect enough signatures to make it onto the ballot, and if the idea wins the election, marijuana as medicine could be legalized in California.

Everyone who knows anything — do the reading, or smoke the herb — knows the medicinal benefits of marijuana. I already wrote that rant and I'm not going to write it again today. 

Long term, marijuana will probably be legalized, and not merely as medicine. I don't think it'll be legal any time soon, though. There are too many if's in the way, and too many fools who'll campaign and vote against anything that smacks of freedom.

Even if it makes the ballot and wins, the federal Drug Enforcement Agency outranks anything the state of California can do. President Clinton would lead the opposition, because easing people's pain and misery with a wonder drug that works wonders isn't as politically popular as standing tough in the war on drugs.

The weird part about today's petitioning on Telegraph is that Umberto was one of the anarchists asking for signatures. He's told me in the past that he doesn't vote. He thinks it's unconscionable, an endorsement of government, which being an anarchist, he doesn't believe in.

But he told me today, that while he doesn't vote, he is registered to vote. The law mandates that you can't collect signatures for a ballot initiative unless you yourself are registered to vote.

"It's the law," Umberto said with a sigh. Then he suggested filing an imitative to get that law changed, but he was only kidding. The law, she be crazy, eh?

As a first step toward full-fledged legalization, I'd love to see the medical marijuana initiative make the ballot and win but I couldn’t sign the petition. I'm an anarchist, too, and unlike Umberto, I'm not registered to vote.

From Pathetic Life #19
Sunday, Dec. 3, 1995

This is an entry retyped from an on-paper zine I wrote many years ago, called Pathetic Life. The opinions stated were my opinions then, but might not be my opinions now. Also, I said and did some disgusting things, so parental guidance is advised.

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