
Leftovers & links

ᐅ  I've only jogged a quarter of a mile, but boy is my index finger tired.

ᐅ  Amazon is introducing what it calls "wellness cubicles" for its employees, where overworked and overstressed workers can lock themselves away and scream and cry for a few minutes, before returning refreshed to their work.

ᐅ  I’ve seen only two episodes of Trevor Noah’s Daily Show, and didn't laugh much. Admittedly my viewing was early in his run, so maybe I should pop in and see if he’s gotten better? Or maybe The Daily Show should've ended when Jon Stewart left.

ᐅ  If you often think you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re hanging out in the wrong places. Or more likely you’re just an ass. Of course, I am almost always the smartest person in the room, but only because I live alone and don’t get out much.

ᐅ  Today I learned that banks in America used to print their own currency, before the feds started manufacturing dollar bills. 


Leftovers & links  

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  1. Funny how weed has differnt effects as you get older, enormous difference between smoking at 23 compared to 15.

    The jogging thing is a trip. Loving the site man.

    1. Never was much into the weed. I'm guessing you've smoked more in the last month than I have in my life.

  2. oneofthebuttsistersMay 29, 2021 at 6:31 PM


    When Pennsylvania Hospital made the radical decision to allow female students to attend a clinical medicine lecture, “pandemonium broke loose” among the male students, who hurled epithets and spitballs at the women. But the widely-reported riot gave considerable momentum to the women’s movement.

    1. "The Philadelphia jeering incident" — jeez. We've made some progress ...

      Now I'm just testing to see whether I can post an active link in comments ...

      Will it work?

    2. Cool, HTML works in comments. I might add a note somewhere saying that ...

  3. No, the Daily Show is now nothing much. It's about as funny and hard-hitting as the opening monologue on any of the late night shows, but there's no bite any more.

    1. Captain HampocketsMay 30, 2021 at 10:29 AM

      I don't have cable, but every time I see the John Oliver show, I get wistful for the days of post-9-11 Jon Stewart Daily Show. I distinctly remember the show shifting on that fulcrum from mostly just humnorous to more political humor.

    2. John Oliver is my go-to now, but he's only on once a week with 22 weeks off every year, which is not enough John Oliver.


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