
News & Links: Friday, September 15, 2023

#367  [archive]

It's frustrating to watch civilization end
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    [Excerpt] We’ve been marching and demonstrating and petitioning and getting arrested for decades and yet greenhouse gas emissions are not going down. Forests are burning, cities are sinking. This last summer, full of the hottest-days-on-record, will be one of the coolest that today’s children will ever experience. The deaths have started. ...

 How is it possible that software gets worse, not better, over time?
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    Lots of insight in this article, and it's true. There is certainly no website or software I use that's better than it was ten years ago, and most are worse.

 • Meet the shadowy global network that's been vilifying climate protesters — and writing laws — for decades
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She was a one-time aspiring nun, then fashion model, go-go dancer, sex-film performer/producer/director, XXX-production company owner, and the first (and only) female President of the Adult Film Association of America (AFAA)
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"There are nicer ways to do it. But the nice ways always fail."
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The hollow walls and hidden tunnels of Vancouver's Orpheum Theatre
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    I'm a sucker for old-time movie palaces, even without the movies. 

Satanists stole F.W. Murnau's skull
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The end of Saturday morning cartoons
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Why action on the climate crisis is all hot air
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 • The Pirate Preservationists: When keeping cultural archives safe means stepping outside the law
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Kansas will no longer change trans people’s birth certificates to reflect their gender identities
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    "Here's another chance to make people miserable," said some Republican, because making people miserable is their favorite thing to do. Your birth cert is needed for all manner of things — a driver's license, a job, a mortgage, etc — all of which will now be much more difficult, and involve telling your life story at every bureaucrat's counter.
    Cruelty. No other purpose. Republicans are simply monstrous. 

Two librarians were fired after the board mistook an autism symbol for a Pride display. They’re suing
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    We live in lunatic times. 

Artist sends Fables into the public domain
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    Oh, man, this is beautiful. Happiest news of the week, and I didn't even know who Bill Willingham is. Read it and laugh for joy.
    I don't even care that the internet tells me Willingham  is a right-wing asshole.
    Actually, that's even better! Now that Fables is in the public domain, and anyone can tell the characters' stories, watch as they all go gay and trans and hand out abortions on demand.

Alex Jones spent over $93,000 in July. Sandy Hook families who sued him have yet to see a dime.
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    I don't understand why a loud liar is able to ignore court verdicts. Do we all have this right?

Embracing wingnut election denial, Wisconsin Senate Republicans vote to fire chief election official
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    Is Wisconsin even a democracy any more? It's a blue state gerrymandered red, so Republicans own the state legislature. Here they're removing the election overseer because she didn't bow to the Big Lie of stolen elections, and next week they'll impeach one of the sane voices on the now-blue state Supreme Court, to make sure all ultimate verdicts continue going red. 

Rite Aid prepares bankruptcy filing, store closures amid opioid lawsuit
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    It was probably never true, but for many years I foolishly thought that 'bankruptcy' meant 'going out of business.' That's what it means if a mom-and-pop restaurant or shop declares bankruptcy.
    When companies get ginormous, though, they never go away. Rite Aid will 'reorganize' itself with fresh investors, and it'll still be a shitty drug store long after everyone reading this is dead.

At least 24 people arrested at climate protest outside Citigroup global headquarters
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School shootings hit all-time high for second year in a row
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All cops continue being bastards
    This is my other project, an ongoing collection of police brutality, beatings, and general corruption, almost always unpunished.

📸  IMAGES  📸

The RCA Whirlpool Miracle Kitchen 

From the police archives
    "Whipping was usually carried out in the Baltimore City Jail, where a designated official administered the punishment using a leather strap or whip." 

Sally Jessy 

♫♬  MUSIC  ♫

Coconut — Harry Nilsson 

God Must Be Doing Cocaine — Charlotte Lawrence 

Joy — Apollo 100 

Nobody's In Love This Year — Warren Zevon 

Step Right Up — Tom Waits 








Lawrence Lacks Sr
[Archived page

Ferid Murad
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Cranky Old Fart is annoyed and complains and very occasionally offers a kindness, along with anything off the internet that's made me smile or snarl. All opinions fresh from my ass. Top illustration by Jeff Meyer. Click any image to enlarge. Comments & conversations invited. 

Tip 'o the hat to the AVA, BoingBoing, Breakfast at Ralf's, Kottke,org, Looking for My Perfect Sandwich, MetaFilter, Miss Miriam's Mirror, RanPrieur.com, @soberscientistlife, Voenix Rising, and anywhere else I've stolen links, illustrations, or inspiration.

Special thanks to Linden Arden, Becky Jo, Wynn Bruce, Joey Jo Jo emeritus, John the Basket, Dave S, Name Withheld, and always extra special thanks to my lovely late Stephanie, who gave me 21 years and proved that the world isn't always shitty.


  1. There must be a better address for this version of Leonard singing Hallelujah, but I can't seem to make it shorter. If this doesn't work for you, let me know. Until the mid-90s, this was the only alternative I knew about to the 1984 version: Leonard live at Austin City Limits. Notice that he uses slightly different verses and that they are in slightly different sequence. It changes the song. . .jtb


    1. I am not a religious fellow, and hallelujah is not in my day-to-day vocabulary, but that song smacks me good.

      On lots of annoyingly long links like this at giant corporate sites, the first "&" and everything after it in the URL is only for tracking, so https://www.google.com/search?q=hallelujah+leonard+cohen+austin+1994+live works fine.

    2. Thanks Doug, that will save a lot of typing and a lot of virtual ink.


    3. When you typed 'typing' it brought a flashback back from many years ago, when the internet was new and we were all learning Netscape Navigator.

      Friend of mine sent me a link about 1/3 as long as the link you sent, and it didn't work, and he said he'd typed it very carefully but he'd try it again.

      Yeah, he didn't know about CTRL-C and CTRL-V.

      Such was 1997 or so.

  2. Your links page used to have a section about climate news, now it's only a headline or 2 sometimes. Is there any chance of bringing that section back? I found it valuable.

  3. Perhaps just a quick update like "We're all fucked."


    1. John's pretty much nailed it.

      I'll still post the most egregious and terrifying climate news, but only for gallows humor. The billionaires have decided Earth isn't worth any reduction of their income, and that's final.

      It's over, Anonymous.


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